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Sorcerer: 1984. Steve Meretzky; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Spellbreaker: 1985. Dave Lebling; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the Girls. 1990. Steve Meretzky; Legend Entertainment.
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer's Appliance. 1991. Steve Meretzky; Legend Entertainment.
Spellcasting 301: Spring Break. 1992. Steve Meretzky; Legend Entertainment.
Spider and Web. 1998. Andrew Plotkin. Z-Machine/Inform. (IF Archive.)
Spycatcher: Date unknown. Jonathan R. Farrington; Cambridge University. IBM 370/Phoenix.
Starcross. 1982. Dave Lebling; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Stationfall. 1987. Steve Meretzky; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Suspect. 1984. Dave Lebling; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Suspended. 1983. Michael Berlyn; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Tempest. 1997. Graham Nelson, writing as William Shakespeare. Z-Machine/Inform. (IF Archive.)
TextFire Golf 1998. Adam Cadre;TextFire. Z-Machine/Inform. (IF Archive.)
Timequest. 1991. Bob Bates; Legend Entertainment. MS-DOS.
Trinity. 1986. Brian Moriarty; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Uncle Zebulon'sWill. 1995. Magnus Olsson.TADS. (IF Archive.)
Varicella. 1999. Adam Cadre. Z-Machine/Inform. (IF Archive.)
Verb! 1998. Neil deMause; TextFire. TADS. (IF Archive.)
Warp. Date unknown. Author unknown. HP-1000.
Wishbringer. 1985. Brian Moriarty; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Witness, The. 1983. Stu Galley; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Wonderland. 1990. David Bishop; Magnetic Scrolls. Magnetic Windows.
Worm in Paradise, The. 1985. Mike Austin, Nick Austin, and Pete Austin; Level 9. Acode.
Xeno. Date unknown. Jonathan Mestel; Cambridge University. IBM 370/Phoenix.
Xerb. Date unknown. Andrew Lipson; Cambridge University. IBM 370/Phoenix.
Zork. 1978-1979. Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PDP-10/MDL. A FORTRAN port is called Dungeon. (IF Archive.)
Zork I: The Great Underground Empire. 1980. Marc Blank and Dave Lebling; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz. 1981. Marc Blank and Dave Lebling; Infocom. ZMachine/ZIL.
Zork III: The Dungeon Master 1982. Marc Blank and Dave Lebling; Infocom. ZMachine/ZIL.
Zork Zero: The Revenge of Megaboz. 1988. Steve Meretzky; Infocom. Z-Machine/ZIL.
Zork: The Undiscovered Underground. 1997. Marc Blank and Michael Berlyn. ZMachine/Inform.Activision. (IF Archive.)
Zugzwang: The Interactive Life of a Chess Piece. 1998. Magnus Olsson; TextFire. ZMachine/Inform. (IF Archive.)
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Burroughs, William S. 2003. "The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin." In The New Media Reader, ed. Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort, 89-91. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press. Originally published in The Third Mind, William S. Burroughs and Brion Gysin, 29-33. NewYork: Seaver Books, 1978.
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Cadre, Adam. 2001. Personal interview. August 1. Brooklyn, NY.
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Clarvoe, Anthony. 1991. PICK UPAX. NewYork: Broadway Play Publishing.
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Cree, Graeme. 2001. "Infonotes: Incredibly Niggling Facts About Infocom Gauzes." November 11. Available online at
Crossley-Holland, Kevin, trans. 1993. The Exeter Book Riddles. Rev. ed. London: Penguin.
Crowe, Malcolm, trans. 1996. "The Verses of Heraclitus of Ephesus." Systemist 18: 161-176. Available online at
Crowther, Will. 1994. Interview by Katie Hafner. DJVU format. Available online at
Darling, Sharon. 1985. "Inside View: Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky-Designers Behind The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." COMPUTE!'s Gazette. April. Available online at
DaCosta, Frank. 1982. Writing BASIC Adventure Programs for theTRS-80. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books.
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de Filippis, Michele. 1967. The Literary Riddle in Italy in the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.
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